
A website redesign of Artscape's website to attract more donations.

Role: UX Researcher and Designer

Team: Renate Danhoundo, Stefany Francoeur, Sarah Jane & Rosemary Joseph

Tools: Figma,

Duration: 2 weeks (Part-time)

View Prototype

The Problem Space

Artscape is a non profit organization that has a mission to make space for creativity and transform communities. We found the following during our research:

  • Donations to charities decreased by 44.5% in 2022
  • High demand persists for charitable services
  • Toronto artists, affected by pandemic-related income loss, seek charitable support for business and studio space.
  • Reduced giving to charities due to cautious spending by potential donors in post-pandemic economic conditions.

Secondary Research

decrease in gifts from individuals
of charities raised fewer funds in 2022
of Canadians planned to reduce their giving in 2022
How might we we help donors see how their contributions can benefit the Canadian creative community in order to motivate them to support Artscape's initiatives?

Interview Insights

We interviewed 5 Canadian participants who are arts patrons and all like to contribute to good causes.

Chosen Insight

All users said they want to make sure their contributions are supporting a cause that actually has impact on community and culture.


Based on our interview insights and finding we created Ebenezer our persona.


What's changed:

Current Design

View Current Website